Okay...so I'm not going to be finished with my T25DOC journal before the new year...we both have to work tonight until 9 and be back tomorrow at 9...so I don't much feel like sitting at the computer in my few free hours this morning. I ran errands all day yesterday which was when I PLANNED on doing it...oh well. Life happens. I did find a new hair stylist and she straightened my hair for me (I'm way to lazy to do all of that myself!) What do you think? Feels nice and soft, but I'm not going to be blowing it straight and then flat ironing it every day...I'll update when I can. Hope everyone has a fantastic New Year's Eve tonight...think of us at work while you're out having a good time... ;-P
We spent a very quiet Christmas Day at home...and worked all day yesterday (& doing it again today). I will be updating my T25DOC tomorrow and Monday morning...I promise it will be done before the New Year! :) We hope everyone had a very pleasant and relaxing holiday...we did!
Well, I've calmed down a bit, slept in a little this morning and feel much better. Just have to vent sometimes. It's Monday, the start of a new week and, from what I just heard, the busiest mailing day of the year! Oops! My cards will be part of that deluge...guess I waited a little too long. Guess that's it for now. Happy Monday!
WAS looking forward to a day off with my husband, but since previously said 'scheduler' doesn't seem to know WTF she's doing, I'm off tomorrow per one schedule, but working per another one...make up your friggin' mind. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to going in tonight EVEN LESS NOW! Thank you for letting me vent...wouldn't want to actually hurt someone. I probably sound a little melodramatic, but if you only knew the whole story...I think I'm doing pretty good considering. Arrrgggghhhh! One semester down is one semester closer to getting my license. Ahhh...that's better.
Good News! I finished this semester with a 4.0! Woo Hoo! Bad News...today (and most days lately) I'm frustrated with aspects of my job. I won't mention any aspects by name, but it's usually the same one. Lon is WAY better at controlling his emotions than I am...guess I need to calm down and look forward to neither of us going in tomorrow. Watched a great movie, though...The Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian. I enjoyed the first one, but this one was better...loved ALL the books! That helped my mood some. Just been working on my journal (T25DOC) and finishing up Christmas cards. I'll finally be able to mail them on Monday. Yeah! Then we just have to mail a few gifts and we're done! Guess that's it for now...just gonna waste some time playing Iwin.com games until I have to go back to work...oh yeah...had to go in this morning for a few hours since someone doesn't have a CLUE how to freakin' schedule people, but I'm on the schedule for 3...what a dee, dee, dee. Geez...some people, can't stand 'em, but can't kick 'em in the neck, either...oh well.
Since I agreed to record my 25 days of Christmas this year, here is the first week.
Dec 1, Monday Up early…before light, warm glow of the Christmas tree lights. As usual, coffee & oatmeal then off to class. Wet, rainy, cold. Worked all day and then… SNOW! Didn’t stick, but fell beautifully. Rare evening off w/Lon. Watched Stealing Beauty, strange, but beautiful film. Time for bed…
Dec 2, Tuesday A&P Lab final today at noon. Done by 12:40. Now it’s off to lunch at Moe’s and the dreaded Wal-Mart trip. Not very many smiling faces, but I did find some cozy new pj’s and most of my grocery list. Confirmed plans to visit Mom on Friday…just waiting for Lon to come home now. Then we’ll start all over again inthe AM.
Dec 3, Wednesday Today was a tough one…lot of junk floating around in my head. Douchebag backs into me at a light on my way to work and just drives away! Lots of crap to deal with at work…finally done and home. Drown my frustrations in a few beers. Talked to Mom. Beginning to feel better and looking forward to Lon coming home.
Dec 4, Thursday Not much going on today. Had the morning off. Made a yummy spinach lasagna. Looking forward to my visit with Mom tomorrow. Working tonight. Felt like I was working all by myself, but thanks to the laziness of my coworkers, I got in over 6000 steps in just 5 hours!
Dec 5, Friday What a fun day! Started off by going to my last A&P class & we all got a free ‘A’ on our last quiz…Merry Christmas from Dr. Kreiss. Then it was off to AL for my day w/Mom. We became artists today! Great concept of paint your own artwork…I loved it! Then we did a little shopping, met Scot out for dinner & finished the evening playing a bunch of games I brought from HobbyTown. I really needed a day like today! Thanks, Mom! Went to bed with fresh roses on my nightstand…how nice.
Dec 6, Saturday Up early. Fun errands to run today. Mom & Scot had the trunk of my car painted (it was in desperate need!) as an early Christmas gift! Visited Petals from the Past for their holiday open house and to pick up Mom’s cedar Christmas tree. Not much time to relax…have to pack my car and get by to TN to work by 3!
Dec 7, Sunday A true day of rest…no alarm clock, no agenda, no work, no studying…just doing whatever sounds good whenever we think of it. Had some homemade bread from Mom (delish!), watched some fun Christmas movies, put all new bedding in our room…love it!
I can't believe it myself, but I actually aced my A&P exam (not the final)! 140/140...I'm still in shock! My lab final is Tuesday, Psych final Thurs, A&P final the next Mon...then it's work, work, work. Lon and I had a wonderful (quiet) Thanksgiving at home. Watched some movies, played some video games, ate yummy food and enjoyed some delish wines. We're both working all weekend, so I don't know that I'll have much time to post over the next few days. Thought I'd drop in before going to work this morning...Lon's already there! Hope the crazies are too tough on us today and tomorrow... Have a great weekend and remember...only 27 days til Christmas!
Well, tomorrow is Turkey Day and Lon & I finally have a day off together...it doesn't happen too often and mostly just on Sundays. Since we both have to work Friday, it'll be just the two of us celebrating Thanksgiving. For all of you that get to celebrate with extended family, I hope you have a wonderful day! We were able to visit with my dad and Jan this past weekend. How do you like our 'holiday' pic? :)
Just took my last A&P exam this morning. Only have finals to go now. Yesterday we dissected cow eyes in lab (very neat!) and I found out what makes certain animals eyes reflect in bright light. There is an iridescent covering on the back of the eyeball called the tapetum lucidum. It reflects light within the eye of animals that live in low-intensity light (noctural). Cool, huh? I know, I know...nobody cares but me. But this is MY blog so I can write whatever I want. ha, ha, ha!
Guess today is about studying for my lab final next week, finishing any Christmas decorating I have left, working on my Christmas cards and prepping for tomorrow. Kinda nice to have a day off in the middle of the week!
I'm very thankful for everything I have: a wonderful, loving husband/best friend, healthy family, good friends, A JOB!, a roof over my head and food in my kitchen. I hope your life is full of love and happiness. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Sorry it's been a few days since I last posted. Kinda crazy around here...school is winding down which means finals are coming up. Lots of studying...Thanksgiving and Christmas are well on their way which means more hours at work...and a LOT more once I'm through with finals. It's chilly, but beautiful here. Crisp and cool with lots of sun. I've also been quite crafty...I'm attempting to make my own Christmas cards this year, I'm journaling the 25 days of Christmas (a challenge from a MUCH craftier friend) scrapbook style, I've wrapped most of the presents we've bought, and I've put the tree up. We had to decorate early since we will have NO free weekends after this one. So I put it up last week...decorated it...and we use its pretty white lights to light the living room every morning and night. I love Christmas tree light! Christine, aforementioned 'craftier friend', also directed me to a great photo editing website. http://www.picnik.com/ has super cool effects and most of them are free! You can join, pay an annual fee and get even more cool stuff, but I'm just starting out. As Christine said, it's like Photoshop only MUCH cooler! Check it out and let me know what you think. The fancy pic of my handsome prince was my first attempt to play with Picnik...cute, huh? I especially like the double goatees...
As for the neat school stuff...I think we're going to dissect eyeballs next week! Sheep or cow, I believe. A&P II is most of the major systems (digestive, endocrine, reproductive, urinary, etc.) so I have no idea what (other than a cat) we may get to dive into next semester! I'm looking forward to it though...and I find out in March whether or not I've been accepted to the Nursing program. Keep your fingers crossed!
Okay...so I didn't get to dissect a cat, but I did get to examine and slice open a sheep's brain today. So cool! I know, I know...I'm such a nerd, but I do love the science/health stuff. I'm one of those weird people who watches the Discovery channel for shows on odd birth defects, crazy abnormal growths on otherwise normal people, skeletons uncovered years later to solve mystery/murder cases...I love NOVA on PBS and I am enjoying my Anatomy & Physiology class so much! I kept hearing how hard it would be...so much to learn, to memorize...I thrive on this stuff that others would think is gross or boring. What a geek...but I am what I am. :) The sheep's brain was super cool! One other student wanted to dissect with me...but everyone else in my group was satisfied just watching and identifying parts. And yes, we are both Nursing-to-be students. What is wrong with us? I don't know and I don't care. This morning in Psych we were discussing Alzheimer's (so scary!) and a thought occurred to me...I never thought I would want to go into any aspect of Nursing that dealt specifically with the elderly...but now...everything is open for discussion. I anxiously await my acceptance into the RN program and my clinicals to find out what it is that I will enjoy most. Will Pediatrics intrigue me? Are Geriatrics the way to go? I can no longer rule out the ER...my future is wide open and it excites me immensely!
(yes, I am rambling...and that may be due to the wine, but I speak from the heart regardless...)
Happy Trails and Happy Tuesday...oh yeah! And Happy Veteran's Day! (I guess that is for my one faithful reader & fellow veteran, Christine. Happy Day to you, Chica!)
Yesterday Lon and I ventured north with no particular destination in mind...gas is back down to $2.01/gallon so we thought we deserved it! Anyway, we ventured into the little town of Cleveland and though the downtown was quaint, nothing was open, so therefore we just drove through. Been there, done that. We are always up for something new and we saw an 'Attractions' sign pointing us to Sunshine Hollow Gardens. Sounds interesting, right? So off we go, following small, hard to find road signs up this hill, down this GRAVEL road, off the beaten path...getting excited...beginning to hear banjos (think Deliverance). Remember, we ARE in the mountains of TN now...and there it is! A garden. Like rows of things planted, nothing special...and they were closed. I checked their website this morning...it's a garden/bakery/chocolate place. Guess it's open more often in the summer. But it was a beautiful drive out! Here are a few pics...
Great day for a road trip to anywhere...but after we got back on the interstate, we saw another attraction we couldn't pass up...a winery! So now we have a destination...just have to find this Morris Vineyard. Fortunately Lon has Goog411 on his cell so I called to make sure they were open...til 7! Woo Hoo, we're in! Now we're driving up another mountain/hill...left on Michigan Ave, right at the four way stop, follow the little brown/yellow signs that blend in with the fall colors, run a stop sign because we're looking at cows, turn around, drive down past the cows surrounding the odd burning firepit (with no humans in sight), contemplate whether the cows have burned the farmer and if not, where is he?....drive up the side of the mountian, turn left, turn right, where is this place? And finally...we see the sign...
Here is the view...just breathtaking. The tasting room had huge plate glass windows looking into this valley. The wine wasn't bad either, and that's saying a lot for an area that can only grow muscadine, niagara and catawba grapes naturally. We grabbed a dry red blend of concord and catawba and a sweet blueberry dessert wine. Yummy!
All in all, another fantastic day spent with my very favorite person. Next time maybe we'll plan ahead and go even further north...like Knoxville or the Great Smoky Mountains! Happy Monday!
I guess I wasn't the only one ready for some positive change in this country. I'm so proud of my fellow Americans to not only vote in record numbers, but to get behind a new face with new ideas and a fresh perspective...and not just do the 'same old thing.' I know not everyone will be happy with tonight's election (I am!), but I do hope some of that 'fresh' perspective will rub off on those people and they'll at least try to have an open mind and see that maybe, just maybe, Obama has some good ideas for our country. Something tells me that I'm going to be in a fantastic mood tomorrow! Congratulations Barack and Joe! We'll be watching and we hope you do great things!
I think every state should have early voting options...but if yours doesn't, I sure hope you brave the lines today! There are those who think that major political decisions like this are made behind closed doors by the powers that be, but I choose to be optimistic. I choose to believe that we still have a voice (I HOPE!) and it is our choice as to what leaders we will have. Lon and I voted...I hope you will too. And regardless of who wins tonight, tomorrow will be a different day. I'm excited, a little nervous, but looking forward to the final tallies this evening. I just hope we don't have another recount issue...
Ahhh...memories. This was Halloween about 7 or 8 years ago in Birmingham. Tina as Elvira, Ann as a go-go dancer (too bad you can't see the thigh-high boots) and I am, well...some sort of feisty feline, I guess. :) That was a fun night! Wore those same contacts to work today, but no kids came in for me to scare...oh well. ;-p Not sure what stained the picture, so I have a curious little 'spirit' on my shoulder now...I guess he fits, doesn't he? Hope you all have a hauntingly Happy Halloween!!!!!
No, we didn't get to dissect the cats today...they were already done for us. So instead we just poked, prodded and pointed...and we had the biggest cat! That thing was at least 3 feet long (stretched out like he was) and weighed around 20 lbs! I think it must have been a feral cat, because in a house this thing would have been dangerous! Cool to look at, though... I know it's fall...but we had flurries this morning! Nothing to write home about (apparently blogs don't count), but when I saw the tiny little raindrops (barely sprinkling) become little white things that landed on my car and then melted...well...it has been over two years since we've had to deal with snow! I think the higher elevations may have gotten a dusting this morning, but it warmed up to a beautiful (and brisk!) 52 degrees today. The colors are definitely starting to pop! We may get a visit from my mom and Scot this weekend and it should be sunny and in the 60's...perfect fall weather. Lon still has yet to take advantage of our early voting, but I'm hoping he'll head down there tomorrow...I don't know about you, but I think we are TOTALLY ready for some change. I know I am. Well...only 6 weeks left in this semester...can't believe how fast it really does fly by. I've been told by some RN's that once I'm in the Nursing program those 2 years will feel more like 6 months...I don't know about that, but I am looking forward to graduating and getting my license! Watch out...stay safe...because you never know where I might end up working!!!! :)
I didn't think it'd feel so good to be a part of the Democratic process...or at least think I'm a part of it. There are those that feel winning candidates are chosen long before we vote...but I'll play ignorant and be proud of doing my civic duty. :) We had a blast this weekend! Saturday morning we got up and drove over Suck Creek Road (what a great name!), one of the prettiest drives in town to the 'other side' of Signal Mountain to a little town called Whitwell. There we visited Ketner's Mill Country Fair. We saw how sorghum molasses is made (imagine a horse, hooked up to some big sticks turning a mill to crush sugar cane, having the sugar cane juice drop onto what looked like corrugated roofing, drip down onto a cheesecloth covering a barrel...mmm, mmm...no thank you. Never did like it when I thought it just came out of a jar, either. We checked out the local crafts and, of course, had to have a peach fried pie. Best one I've ever had, too! Gorgeous weather all day...brisk and sunny, high's got up to around 65 later in the day. After the fair (that didn't take too long), we headed toward Lookout Mountain and Rock City. Lon had never been and it's been about 20 years since I was there last. We highly recommend a visit! Breathtaking views, amazing rock formations, crazy day-glo fairy tale scenes in underground caverns, and yes, you can see seven states from one spot (according to RC staff). Here's the guide: Basically you are standing on the edge of a cliff and if you look in the direction indicated you can see mountains and landmarks in each of the 7 states noted. Pretty cool...all I know is that I could see the corn maze below us, lots of mountains in the distance and a nuclear power plant. But the views are totally amazing! Here's a few more pics from Rock City... Little Boy Blue sleeping in Mother Goose Village...the cavern is pitch black and the little people are lit by black lights...very cool. That could be Jack (be nimble...) over to the right...
Lover's Leap...I'm sure you've heard a story very similar...two crazy kids in love, family doesn't agree, throws dude off cliff, chick takes a nose dive afterwards. Very sad...great view! Which state is that??? I do believe you are looking at GA and SC in this pic. Ahhh, Rocktoberfest...Chicken Dance, anyone? Nothing quite as good as an ice cold beer on the top of a mountain surrounded by polka music and families with small children. Certainly improved our afternoon! Guess that's it for now...I'll probably post some more later...or tomorrow...or the next day. Guess you'll have to check back!
Since we've been married, Lon and I have been fortunate enough to take a trip for each of our anniversaries. This year things are a bit different, so we're taking a 'staycation' and becoming tourists in and around Chattanooga. We have done a lot of exploring, but have yet to do some of the touristy stuff. Tomorrow morning we're going to a real country fair...you know, the kind with the 3 C's (clogging, cakes-funnel, that is, and crafts). Then we'll be off to Rock City to see seven states and enjoy the German Oktoberfestival they have going on. We may try to hit one of the area cornfield mazes, but I don't know that I'm up to a haunted house...we'll see! Sunday I think we're going to do a nice brunch and then head out to explore wherever the Jeep takes us...The weather is cooperating as we had a cold front move in last night and we should see high's in the mid-to-upper 60's and sunshine all weekend! Maybe the cooler air will persuade the fall colors to come on out, too. Well, the debates are over (thank goodness!) and TN has early voting...I can vote 6 days a week for the next two weeks...which means NOT waiting in line on Nov 4th. I was going to go today, but I'll be studying for a Monday test and getting ready for our fun weekend...I'll vote next week. :) It's nice having the option to get in there early! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend as well!!!
Sorry it's taken me so long to update...but a lot has been going on! The country/world is in a government/Wall Street-made crisis, the election is turning very negative (Thanks, John), I made an A on my A&P midterm (Woo Hoo!), and the colors are starting to turn (yeah, Fall!). Whew...that's a lot.
I would like to remind everyone of a very important fact. My good friend, Christine, did the same thing on her blog. Life is short...be grateful for every minute you can spend enjoying life and being with the ones you love. None of us have been promised tomorrow. I hope we all get many of them, but there are no guarantees. Live, love, laugh...always has been one of my favorite sayings. Every morning that I get to walk at the Riverpark, I leave my MP3 player at home so I can soak up every bit of this beautiful land that surrounds me. I appreciate the fact that I'm not injured or diseased and can walk freely, I don't have asthma and can breath easily, I'm not blind or deaf so I can hear and see the birds, trees, river and other people enjoying the park. I know this whole financial thing has got everyone stressing out about where their 401K is invested, if their stocks are plummeting and what they are going to do about retirement. Money isn't everything...there is so much else to enjoy and cherish. Maybe I'm able to say that because we don't have any money, but we are happy anyway. Very happy...Sure, things could be better everywhere. We could make more money (there's that word again), live in our own home instead of an apartment surrounded by neighbors we wish we didn't have, be able to travel whenever the mood hits...those things will come in time. But being married to your best friend, knowing that your family is doing well, living in a beautiful, friendly city surrounded by rivers, lakes and mountains...those things make us truly happy.
I hope you have more happy things in your life than you can count. :)
Lots going on right now...I have two midterms next week, so studying is a priority. The weather is absolutely amazing, so having all the windows/doors open is fantastic! Tonight Lon and I are going to the Three Sisters Bluegrass Festival on the river in downtown Chatt. That should be a lot of fun...unfortunately we were unable to attend Wine Over Water, but we'll get to walk past it! Maybe next year...This town has so much going on and a ton of it is FREE (one of my favorite four-letter words!) The MI/Illinois game is coming on shortly, so GO BLUE...let's hope they can pull off another conference win. Woo Hoo! Lon and I also discovered an eye-opening movie. If you are capable of and/or interested in learning some alternative views of what you've probably grown up believing, I definitely recommend it. It is two hours long, so if you can hook your computer up to your TV it makes for a great evening film. This is the official website: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ Or this is the movie on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kHhc67GopM I will warn you...it's sobering. It's very interesting, but not uplifting. I have not done all the research to guarantee you this is true, but it sure does make a lot of sense. I can promise it will make you think. Zeitgeist means the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time. (www.dictionary.com) Let me know what you think!!!
Well, how many of you watched the 1st debate last night? How many of you were surprised it actually happened? I don't know what you saw, but I saw one man willing to talk, debate and answer questions. I saw another man who couldn't look his opponent in the eye...not once that I saw, couldn't stay on point and thought it appropriate to snicker about his opponent's points and accusations. I don't need my next President to be snickering at other people during intense negotiations, treaty signings, or debates. And what was up with the jewelry debate? Who cares who wears a bracelet, ring, nipple clamps or a necklace? So...if you wear a bracelet with someone's name on it, you care about the troops more? Guess it doesn't matter if they both have one...they cancelled each other out in my book. I believe they both care about our troops...who doesn't? Okay, guys...McCain is looking more de-duh-dee in my book than ever before, but I will definitely continue to pay attention to both of them. (*de-duh-dee reference....see Carlos Mencia http://www.carlosmencia.com/08/ ) Til next time...
Test 2 of 4 (not incl. final) in A&P is done! Woo Hoo! It's so cool to be transported back some 15+ years ago to my days at University of Montevallo...the air is cool, the trees are starting to drop a few leaves and others are just barely beginning to turn. Fall is here! We've been waking up to 52 degree temps in the morning for the last week and a half and there's more to come. The afternoons are only getting up to the high 70's and low 80's with a very pleasant breeze. Ahhhh....just feels good to breathe! Fall festivals are starting soon...hopefully we'll have some time off to check them out! We do live in the country now...time to check out some clogging, fried pies, and sheep shearing contests. Yee haw! :) Can you tell? I LOVE FALL! Happy Friday...
As an 'adult' returning college student, I have (what I think to be) a unique perspective. I see other students walk into class, lay their heads down and proceed to sleep through what is supposed to be one of the toughest courses...Anatomy & Physiology. Are you kidding me? Then there are those students who argue with the teacher because they (the student) read the question WRONG! Hello? Read your friggin' book, douchebag! I swear...I really have lost what little patience I used to have with stupid people. And maybe they aren't intellectually stupid, but they ACT stupid. One guy (who happens to be older than me, I do believe) went up to the professor after class and said to her, rather sternly, 'Show me in the book where it says that.' Sorry to tell you dude, but those of us who read the question correctly...got it right. I think it's because of the purpose I have associated with my education that I am passionate about it. I'm also a huge nerd and have always enjoyed school. :) But I see these people texting during lecture, rolling their eyes and constantly watching the clock. Why are you here? Just wasting your parents money? Wasting your time? Oh well...I'll continue to study, go to class, enjoy it as much as I can and make the best grades I'm capable of. Not my problem if they fail...I guess it just pains me to see it since I know how valuable a good education truly is. Heck, mine is going to help Lon and me have a more comfortable life and retirement. That is SUPER important to me. And we LOOOOOVE to have fun!!! Okay, I guess that's enough for today...I'll give my fellow Chatt State students the weekend off...maybe they'll be more focused next week.
We are still enjoying days starting off around 60, topping at 80 with a cool breeze all day...and it's supposed to last at least another week! It may just be a preview, but I'm loving this no-A/C, windows/doors open, no humidity kind of weather. Woo Hoo!
No, I don't think it's here for good just yet, but I was able to turn off the A/C and open all the windows this morning. Yippee! It was a VERY pleasant 65 with a high today only reaching 77. This weather should last all week...Woo Hoo! The fresh cool air, wind blowing through the trees and hint of fall take me straight back to our 1st anniversary in Traverse City, MI with some very good friends, Tim and Renee. By the way, Congrats are in order for you guys for getting your house built and being able to move up there permanently! We are definitely up for a repeat visit! You can check out some of our pics from that wonderful trip at http://www.lonjordan.com/album/Traverse%20City/index.html
I hope wherever you are in this beautiful country (or world, for you overseas folks!) that you are experiencing some equally pleasant weather. Last week while at the Riverpark, I saw one branch of a maple tree with its leaves already turning bright red. I will definitely have some gorgeous pics to post of our 1st fall color change in Chatt. Last fall we were here for 3 short days and fell in love with the city. I'm so excited to be living here and get to see it everyday!
If you went to sleep early on Saturday night, you missed a fantastic SNL opener! Here's a link...Tina Fey's Sarah Palin is dead on! Enjoy...
Well, it may not have been pretty, but the score is what matters...and the Wolverines pulled it off! Way to go, Blue!!! I had planned to spend today studying (which I did), but I did have to turn the game on, too! Don't worry...I muted it (a little). :) Unfortunately Lon had to work and missed the game. Next week...Notre Dame. We'll see how that goes. :-S
As for the presidential choices and their running mates...well, McCain helped me like one candidate's team more than the other...and it wasn't his! Sarah Palin scares me...pro-gun, anti-abortion rights, pro-drilling up one of our nation's wildlife refuges, hmmm...no, I don't think I want her running my country (McCain is 72 and not in the best health!).
We have multiple renewable resources for oil and gas that we are not using...why then would we want to go and drill up one of our states and use up MORE of our irreplaceable fossil fuels and filthy up the environment in the process? That doesn't sound like a good idea. Has she not heard of bio-diesel, hemp oil, used corn oil, etc. (people are already using these!)
And why does she see the need to take away a woman's choice regarding her own body and/or embryo/fetus? She was able to make her own decisions (CHOICES!) about her 5 kids and her daughter had a CHOICE to keep her baby, as well. That doesn't seem fair that they had choices, but others shouldn't. "Mom-of-five Palin is anti-abortion (even in cases of rape) and opposed to sex-education classes (she believes in abstinence instruction for teens). From USmagazine.com Well, we can see how well that would work since our country is one of the leaders in teen pregnancies. And how many kids/teens do you know that do EXACTLY what they are told and don't do the opposite just because they want to? (I would think not very many!) Isn't that what is being taught anyway...and not working? And no, I'm not influenced by the fact that her daughter got pregnant. Accidents happen and parents can't monitor their children 24 hours a day, nor do I think they should. They have to grow up sometime and life is a VERY good teacher...
Pro-gun...what the heck does that mean? I know that 'guns don't kill people, bullets (or people) kill people.' Yes, I've heard it, seen the bumper stickers and t-shirts, but that doesn't mean I want it to be so easy for anyone to get one. Unfortunately, there is crime and a black market and the wrong people can get them no matter what restrictions are placed on law-abiding citizens. But to say you are 'pro-gun'...I would really like to know exactly what is meant by it. Still doesn't appeal to me...since having been shot myself, I'm not a fan. If there was a way to get them all off the street and only in the hands of military and security (police) personnel, I would be all for it. Hunters can do it the old fashioned way...ever heard of a bow and arrow? A spear? Those worked for thousands of years and you actually had to exert yourself in the 'hunt.' Might not be a bad idea for our rampantly obese nation to put a little more exercise into our 'fun' and sport. :) I'm not dissing hunters, just making the point of how they could have fun IF only military and police had access to firearms.
I apologize for my rant...didn't realize I had all that pent up inside! :) I really am having a great Saturday and my honey will be home any minute! Yeah! I will still watch the debates and make up my mind by November. There's still a lot I want to hear from both sides that nobody is saying...like how exactly they are going to make all these changes they keep talking about (both sides). Til next time...
I don't feel like most people understand what an amazing product hemp really is...and no, I don't mean weed, pot or marijuana (though it definitely has it's advantages as well.) I thought I would post a few items, most of which are verifiable in the Encyclopedia Brittanica (which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years!) If, after reading these, you still don't think hemp could pull our country out of a slumping economy I would love to know why! :)
1. Hemp is among the oldest industries on the planet, going back more than 10,000 years to the beginnings of pottery. The Columbia History of the World states that the oldest relic of human industry is a bit of hemp fabric dating back to approximately 8,000 BC.
2. Presidents Washington and Jefferson both grew hemp. Americans were legally bound to grow hemp during the Colonial Era and EarlyRepublic. The federal government subsidized hemp during the Second World War and US farmers grew about a million acres of hemp as part of that program.
3. Hemp Seed is far more nutritious than even soybean, contains more essential fatty acids than any other source, is second only to soybeans in complete protein (but is more digestible by humans), is high in B-vitamins, and is 35% dietary fiber. Hemp seed is not psychoactive and cannot be used as a drug. See TestPledge.com
4. The bark of the hemp stalk contains bast fibers, which are among the Earth's longest natural soft fibers and are also rich in cellulose; the cellulose and hemi-cellulose in its inner woody core are called hurds. Hemp stalk is not psychoactive. Hemp fiber is longer, stronger, more absorbent and more insulative than cotton fiber.
5. According to the Department of Energy, hemp as a biomass fuel producer requires the least specialized growing and processing procedures of all hemp products. The hydrocarbons in hemp can be processed into a wide range of biomass energy sources, from fuel pellets to liquid fuels and gas. Development of biofuels could significantly reduce our consumption of fossil fuels and nuclear power.
6. Hemp grows well without herbicides, fungicides, or pesticides. Almost half of the agricultural chemicals used on US crops are applied to cotton.
7. Hemp produces more pulp per acre than timber on a sustainable basis, and can be used for every quality of paper. Hemp paper manufacturing can reduce wastewater contamination. Hemp's low lignin content reduces the need for acids used in pulping, and it's creamy color lends itself to environmentally friendly bleaching instead of harsh chlorine compounds. Less bleaching results in less dioxin and fewer chemical byproducts.
8. Hemp fiber paper resists decomposition, and does not yellow with age when an acid-free process is used. Hemp paper more than 1,500 years old has been found. It can also be recycled more times.
9. Hemp fiberboard produced by WashingtonStateUniversity was found to be twice as strong as wood-based fiberboard.
10. Eco-friendly hemp can replace most toxic petrochemical products. Research is being done to use hemp in manufacturing biodegradable plastic products: plant-based cellophane, recycled plastic mixed with hemp for injection-molded products, and resins made from the oil, to name just a very few examples.
All statements above found at www.venusproject.com.
I'll have more interesting facts for you to think about soon...in the meantime, you are free to check out the link I have labeled Industrial Hemp. Just so you know...hemp is related to marijuana, however the amount of THC (the part that gets you 'high') in hemp is so minuscule, smoking it would be like smoking grass clippings...from your lawnmower! Yuck! That certainly does not sound like a good time to me. I truly hope you have found this enlightening...or at least, interesting!
The first week is done and I'm still enjoying it...a very good sign. All of my instructors seem pretty cool so that will definitely help. I have already found some annoying people in my classes, though...the ones who want everything handed to them and don't seem to have the initiative to go find the answers. Isn't that why we're PAYING these people to teach us...to learn and think for ourselves? Oh well...nobody's perfect. And no, not all of them are 18...some of the bigger whiners are closer to my age! I'm not complaining...just surprised. But it's Friday, I'm off work for the day and have a few hours to get in some studying (have two quizzes next week). For those of you off for the holiday weekend, have a blast! For those of us working, it's worth it, right? :) I know it is or we wouldn't be doing it. Have you heard the latest regarding the Presidential race? Obama chose a white dude for his VP and McCain chose a chick. No matter who wins, it'll be historical. Hopefully the right one will prevail...of course, I'm still trying to figure out who that will be. I did see a quote this morning in the news that is pretty close to where I'm at...something like, 'If McCain wins it won't be so good, but if Obama wins it won't be so bad.' Looking forward to the next several weeks to see what these two guys have to say...and how much of it I believe. I know by their profiles a bunch of my friends on Facebook have definitely made up their minds. I sure would like to be that confident and sure of a candidate...and I haven't been for a long, long time. Just remember...if you don't vote, you can't complain! :) Happy Friday!