Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Friday, September 19, 2008

So...why are you in college?

As an 'adult' returning college student, I have (what I think to be) a unique perspective. I see other students walk into class, lay their heads down and proceed to sleep through what is supposed to be one of the toughest courses...Anatomy & Physiology. Are you kidding me? Then there are those students who argue with the teacher because they (the student) read the question WRONG! Hello? Read your friggin' book, douchebag! I swear...I really have lost what little patience I used to have with stupid people. And maybe they aren't intellectually stupid, but they ACT stupid. One guy (who happens to be older than me, I do believe) went up to the professor after class and said to her, rather sternly, 'Show me in the book where it says that.' Sorry to tell you dude, but those of us who read the question it right. I think it's because of the purpose I have associated with my education that I am passionate about it. I'm also a huge nerd and have always enjoyed school. :) But I see these people texting during lecture, rolling their eyes and constantly watching the clock. Why are you here? Just wasting your parents money? Wasting your time? Oh well...I'll continue to study, go to class, enjoy it as much as I can and make the best grades I'm capable of. Not my problem if they fail...I guess it just pains me to see it since I know how valuable a good education truly is. Heck, mine is going to help Lon and me have a more comfortable life and retirement. That is SUPER important to me. And we LOOOOOVE to have fun!!! Okay, I guess that's enough for today...I'll give my fellow Chatt State students the weekend off...maybe they'll be more focused next week.

We are still enjoying days starting off around 60, topping at 80 with a cool breeze all day...and it's supposed to last at least another week! It may just be a preview, but I'm loving this no-A/C, windows/doors open, no humidity kind of weather. Woo Hoo!

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