Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The debates have begun....

Well, how many of you watched the 1st debate last night? How many of you were surprised it actually happened? I don't know what you saw, but I saw one man willing to talk, debate and answer questions. I saw another man who couldn't look his opponent in the eye...not once that I saw, couldn't stay on point and thought it appropriate to snicker about his opponent's points and accusations. I don't need my next President to be snickering at other people during intense negotiations, treaty signings, or debates.
And what was up with the jewelry debate? Who cares who wears a bracelet, ring, nipple clamps or a necklace? So...if you wear a bracelet with someone's name on it, you care about the troops more? Guess it doesn't matter if they both have one...they cancelled each other out in my book. I believe they both care about our troops...who doesn't? Okay, guys...McCain is looking more de-duh-dee in my book than ever before, but I will definitely continue to pay attention to both of them.
(*de-duh-dee reference....see Carlos Mencia )
Til next time...

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