Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep... I didn't get to dissect a cat, but I did get to examine and slice open a sheep's brain today. So cool! I know, I know...I'm such a nerd, but I do love the science/health stuff. I'm one of those weird people who watches the Discovery channel for shows on odd birth defects, crazy abnormal growths on otherwise normal people, skeletons uncovered years later to solve mystery/murder cases...I love NOVA on PBS and I am enjoying my Anatomy & Physiology class so much! I kept hearing how hard it would much to learn, to memorize...I thrive on this stuff that others would think is gross or boring. What a geek...but I am what I am. :) The sheep's brain was super cool! One other student wanted to dissect with me...but everyone else in my group was satisfied just watching and identifying parts. And yes, we are both Nursing-to-be students. What is wrong with us? I don't know and I don't care. This morning in Psych we were discussing Alzheimer's (so scary!) and a thought occurred to me...I never thought I would want to go into any aspect of Nursing that dealt specifically with the elderly...but now...everything is open for discussion. I anxiously await my acceptance into the RN program and my clinicals to find out what it is that I will enjoy most. Will Pediatrics intrigue me? Are Geriatrics the way to go? I can no longer rule out the future is wide open and it excites me immensely!

(yes, I am rambling...and that may be due to the wine, but I speak from the heart regardless...)

Happy Trails and Happy Tuesday...oh yeah! And Happy Veteran's Day! (I guess that is for my one faithful reader & fellow veteran, Christine. Happy Day to you, Chica!)


Me said...

1) I love that cute little pic... so cute... I have noticed I have a thing for sheep and lambs as of late... hmmm...

2) I love those shows too... except lately I've been avoiding anything to do with babies... I'm sure you know why

3) Maybe you should be a surgeon. Why stop at nursing?

4)Happy V day to you too my Navy buddy! Mister mister are you ok?

Rachel said...

First let me become a nurse...then we can go from there! :)