Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's that time of year again!

Sorry it's been a few days since I last posted. Kinda crazy around is winding down which means finals are coming up. Lots of studying...Thanksgiving and Christmas are well on their way which means more hours at work...and a LOT more once I'm through with finals. It's chilly, but beautiful here. Crisp and cool with lots of sun. I've also been quite crafty...I'm attempting to make my own Christmas cards this year, I'm journaling the 25 days of Christmas (a challenge from a MUCH craftier friend) scrapbook style, I've wrapped most of the presents we've bought, and I've put the tree up. We had to decorate early since we will have NO free weekends after this one. So I put it up last week...decorated it...and we use its pretty white lights to light the living room every morning and night. I love Christmas tree light! Christine, aforementioned 'craftier friend', also directed me to a great photo editing website. has super cool effects and most of them are free! You can join, pay an annual fee and get even more cool stuff, but I'm just starting out. As Christine said, it's like Photoshop only MUCH cooler! Check it out and let me know what you think. The fancy pic of my handsome prince was my first attempt to play with Picnik...cute, huh? I especially like the double goatees...

As for the neat school stuff...I think we're going to dissect eyeballs next week! Sheep or cow, I believe. A&P II is most of the major systems (digestive, endocrine, reproductive, urinary, etc.) so I have no idea what (other than a cat) we may get to dive into next semester! I'm looking forward to it though...and I find out in March whether or not I've been accepted to the Nursing program. Keep your fingers crossed!


Me said...

Look at you crafty one! I guess I should stop sharing all of my creative secrets or I will no longer be he creative one... ha ha.... just kidding... see.... it's the tools, not me!

You'll get... give me a break already... please go buy your little white hat now...
Happy Holiduhs! I feel bad for you being in retial and all.... eeech!

Rachel said...

In this least we HAVE jobs! And it's not so bad...just long hours standing. People are in relatively good moods, so that helps. It's the after-Christmas crowds I'm worried about...thanks for the good wishes!