Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Monday, November 10, 2008

I love road trips!

Yesterday Lon and I ventured north with no particular destination in mind...gas is back down to $2.01/gallon so we thought we deserved it! Anyway, we ventured into the little town of Cleveland and though the downtown was quaint, nothing was open, so therefore we just drove through. Been there, done that. We are always up for something new and we saw an 'Attractions' sign pointing us to Sunshine Hollow Gardens. Sounds interesting, right? So off we go, following small, hard to find road signs up this hill, down this GRAVEL road, off the beaten path...getting excited...beginning to hear banjos (think Deliverance). Remember, we ARE in the mountains of TN now...and there it is! A garden. Like rows of things planted, nothing special...and they were closed. I checked their website this's a garden/bakery/chocolate place. Guess it's open more often in the summer. But it was a beautiful drive out! Here are a few pics...

Great day for a road trip to anywhere...but after we got back on the interstate, we saw another attraction we couldn't pass up...a winery! So now we have a destination...just have to find this Morris Vineyard. Fortunately Lon has Goog411 on his cell so I called to make sure they were open...til 7! Woo Hoo, we're in! Now we're driving up another mountain/hill...left on Michigan Ave, right at the four way stop, follow the little brown/yellow signs that blend in with the fall colors, run a stop sign because we're looking at cows, turn around, drive down past the cows surrounding the odd burning firepit (with no humans in sight), contemplate whether the cows have burned the farmer and if not, where is he? up the side of the mountian, turn left, turn right, where is this place? And finally...we see the sign...
Here is the view...just breathtaking. The tasting room had huge plate glass windows looking into this valley. The wine wasn't bad either, and that's saying a lot for an area that can only grow muscadine, niagara and catawba grapes naturally. We grabbed a dry red blend of concord and catawba and a sweet blueberry dessert wine. Yummy!

All in all, another fantastic day spent with my very favorite person. Next time maybe we'll plan ahead and go even further Knoxville or the Great Smoky Mountains! Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Me said...

tell Lon that your next roadtrip should include hunting for scrapbook stores. Ha!

Glad you had a good weekend!