Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Voted!

I didn't think it'd feel so good to be a part of the Democratic process...or at least think I'm a part of it. There are those that feel winning candidates are chosen long before we vote...but I'll play ignorant and be proud of doing my civic duty. :)
We had a blast this weekend! Saturday morning we got up and drove over Suck Creek Road (what a great name!), one of the prettiest drives in town to the 'other side' of Signal Mountain to a little town called Whitwell. There we visited Ketner's Mill Country Fair. We saw how sorghum molasses is made (imagine a horse, hooked up to some big sticks turning a mill to crush sugar cane, having the sugar cane juice drop onto what looked like corrugated roofing, drip down onto a cheesecloth covering a barrel...mmm, thank you. Never did like it when I thought it just came out of a jar, either. We checked out the local crafts and, of course, had to have a peach fried pie. Best one I've ever had, too! Gorgeous weather all day...brisk and sunny, high's got up to around 65 later in the day. After the fair (that didn't take too long), we headed toward Lookout Mountain and Rock City. Lon had never been and it's been about 20 years since I was there last. We highly recommend a visit! Breathtaking views, amazing rock formations, crazy day-glo fairy tale scenes in underground caverns, and yes, you can see seven states from one spot (according to RC staff). Here's the guide:
Basically you are standing on the edge of a cliff and if you look in the direction indicated you can see mountains and landmarks in each of the 7 states noted. Pretty cool...all I know is that I could see the corn maze below us, lots of mountains in the distance and a nuclear power plant. But the views are totally amazing! Here's a few more pics from Rock City...

Little Boy Blue sleeping in Mother Goose Village...the cavern is pitch black and the little people are lit by black lights...very cool. That could be Jack (be nimble...) over to the right...

Lover's Leap...I'm sure you've heard a story very similar...two crazy kids in love, family doesn't agree, throws dude off cliff, chick takes a nose dive afterwards. Very sad...great view!

Which state is that??? I do believe you are looking at GA and SC in this pic.

Ahhh, Rocktoberfest...Chicken Dance, anyone? Nothing quite as good as an ice cold beer on the top of a mountain surrounded by polka music and families with small children. Certainly improved our afternoon!
Guess that's it for now...I'll probably post some more later...or tomorrow...or the next day. Guess you'll have to check back!

1 comment:

Me said...

thanks for the pics and the "explanation" ha ha. Your hair looks cute...

sorry I'm so late in reading... I've been away from civilization....errrr... I mean a computer for about 2 weeks. I'm baaaccckkk!!!