Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

All new...all mine!

Well, after much thought (and the urgings of some people), I have finally started my own blog/site. :) Some of you may not know, but my latest and greatest news is that I'm a college student once again, but this time I'm in for my Nursing degree. We are so excited! We are absolutely in love with Chattanooga and think we may have found OUR perfect place. I promise I'll do better on updating this site than I did at, but that site is now only a photo album. You can check out 'our' blog at, but this one is update anyone who cares on school, life, and the fun new things we find in TN and beyond. Right now I have to study for my Psych final soon!

Oh, and be sure to leave a comment or two that you stopped by...please!


Me said...

YESYESYES... girl power... YOU have a voice!!!! I am woman hear me roar!

Believe it or not... I think you'll like this... plus it's so fun to update, etc. etc. etc.



hatched said...

I can't believe you haven't had a blog before. You're the kind of person who can transform an afternoon trip to the Pig into an epic tale of good and evil. I look forward to more of The Rachel Saga!
Good luck with school!

cassie said...

Hey girl, I don't think being 35 and in college is nuts in any way. I was 50 when I walked into my first college classroom and had a ball. I love the kids, classes, Profs, etc. I waited my entire life to do that and it was worth every hour studying. I did, however, tell my accounting Prof to put away the power point and teach us accounting. One 18 year old young man caught me at break and said "Way to go Dude!" Enjoy and keep in touch. Love ya, Cassie

Me said...

hello??? time for a new blog post lady... see, that's the funny thing about having actual "readers", they want to read stuff.... I know you think you have nothing to write about... neither do I... but I manage to make shit up all of the time... I know you can do it.

We're waiting.... tick tick tick...