Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Sunday, December 19, 2010

'She's Crafty...'

(Cue Beastie Boys...)
Been out of school for a week now and on my off days I've been working on gifts and fun stuff. Made several hemp necklaces this week and yesterday was Tie Dye Day. I made 17 different items! A few didn't turn out like I wanted, but I was trying some new techniques...they still need work. Some of them came out great, too! I'll post pics of them later this week. Going into work tonight for a 1/2 shift so I'm trying to get some HH chores done before then. Here are some pics of the hemp pieces. I've got two with the funky little mushrooms, one with mood beads and one with glass beads. One has some cool bone beads...all of them were fun to make. Some are gifts, some are mine. Looking forward to some family time these next few weeks...hope you have a wonderful holiday!


sailinglunasea said...

Those are SO COOL! Can't wait to see your tie dyes. Sometimes the re-do's turn out to be the coolest, so don't let a not-so-good first try ruin your fun. The surprise of the end results is always my favorite part. :)

Jenny said...

Hey there! Merry Christmas Eve. I don't have your address and have a card for you. Email me at gladbiz at cox dot net and tell me what it is.


Rachel said...

Thank you! The tie dyed gifts were a hit! Yeah...and I got a travel hoop w/instructional DVD's. Been playing with it all morning! Too fun...
I'll post the tie dye pics in a day or two...still on vaca in AL enjoying the snow!