Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Monday, December 6, 2010

A promise...

I was just playing around, making some holiday candies using Dove Caramel Promises. Some of the promises inside were worth repeating. Here are my eight favorites in Top Ten list-style:
8. Keep your promises to yourself and others.
7. Don't covet; compliment and aspire.
6. The key to happiness is enthusiasm!
5. Take chances and risks-they are worth it!
4. Drink champagne, wear a tiara, use the good china.
3. Dream in real time.
2. Smile-you ARE amazing!
And my #1 favorite promise found in today's bag is......
1. Well-behaved women rarely make history.

(Can you believe it, three posts in one day?!?!?!?)

What was the 'candy' you ask? Super easy and very popular. I've heard them called different names, but I know them as:
Tiny Twist pretzels
Dove Caramel Promises (or Rolos, Caramel Kisses, Caramel Treasures, etc.)
Pecan halves

Preheat oven to 200 F. Place parchment paper on cookie sheet. Arrange pretzel twists on paper. Top pretzels with caramel candy (one each). Place in the oven for 3-4 minutes until chocolate starts to get shiny/barely melty. Be sure to watch since if they get to hot, they'll run everywhere. Remove from oven. Press pecan half into top of each candy. Cool. Enjoy!

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