Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Monday, November 15, 2010

What is wrong with me?

I opened my FB account back up last night. What was I thinking????
Hopefully this time around will be a much more positive experience. Wish me luck...


sailinglunasea said...

I'm not sure why the first go round was negative, but here's to seeing your happy little face again! :)

Rachel said...

Probably my choice of friends (I'll be pickier this time)...lots of bitching and complaining every time I opened it up...especially political crap. Just got irritating...can't we all just get along? :)

Besides, since you are too busy to blog, how else can I keep up with you??? :P

sailinglunasea said...

If I feel bad deleting someone, I just hide their items from my feed... But mostly I've just made good friends with the delete button. ;)

Me said...

ahhh.... just LAUGH at the drama... I do!