Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Over 100!!!

Is that some sort of big deal? I just noticed my silly, little blog has hit the big 10-0...look what you've done, Christine. You guilted me into starting a blog and now it's been over two years!!! Guess I must like this chatting into cyberspace bit. ;-)

(actually my Stud post is 100 and this is 101...I apparently have so much to say!)


Jenny said...

Congrats on reaching 100. If you look at my blog you'll see that my entries picked up frequency after March 2010. That's because I turned the beginning into a book and thought it was so cool I wanted the next book to cover even more of our lives. I use blurb. There is a feature that 'slurps' the blog and drops it into templates so you can edit and tweak it if you want and then have it printed. It's one thing to have a blog to look back and see what's been on your mind, but it's a whole other cool thing to see it all printed in a coffee table book. Maybe I'll take pics of mine for you to see.

Rachel said...

Nice! I'd love to see it...

Me said...

Jenny.... was the blog you blogged on BLOGSPOT? I heard Blurb does it but I didn't think think they were compatable with BLOGSPOT... I hope that has changed.

Me said...

Congrats on 101 and YOU'RE WELCOME!