Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Friday, January 9, 2009

As good as it gets...

Just finished watching that movie, again...and it made me realize how good I've got it. I may not have the ideal job or home right now, but I certainly have the most amazing man in my life...and he is a better husband and friend than I ever could have asked for...and that is way more than I ever could have expected. To be married to your best many people would give their right (or left) arm for that? And I have it. I am so lucky and I know it! Bad days at work make you realize what's important, especially in this economy (thanks, George W!)...I have an amazing marriage to a wonderful man and I would not give that up for anything. I can only hope that my friends and family know what that feels like. Oh...and here's my latest painting...I'm loving that as well! Life is way too short to take your blessings for granted. I am blessed with Lon, my family and my amazing friends. I only wish happiness, health and success for all of you.


Me said...

I like it.... it looks like a sunset to me!

What's the signature? Are you using a code?

Rachel said...

That's what I thought too...Thanks!

Rachel said...

Actually I thought it was more of a sunrise...and Lon thinks it looks like a melty rainbow. Abstract art is cool like has a life of it's own. I tried the 'specific' content and didn't like it. :) Good luck with yours!

Rachel said...

Oh! My signature...MP = Monkeypants...that's what Lon calls me. :) Ha, ha, ha!