Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Okay, it is.

I have discovered something....are you ready?...wait for it ................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................apparently I was not born to be a blogger because I only go through spurts where I even want to update.  There.  I said it.  Sorry (my two(?) readers) I was unable to keep my small and simple promise to blog once a week.  But I'll update you on the last few happenings at Cabinooga.

We finally had our little Fall Party/Hoops & Hops/Housewarming thing.  We had a good time, laughed a lot and hooped a little.  The next day we basked in the quiet stillness of being in the cabin alone.  The party was fun, but it'll be a while before we do another.  Maybe my 40th?  Not sure...

Mom & Scot came up for the Three Sisters Bluegrass Festival that we have attended every year we've been in Chattanooga.  We love it!  And they did too.  :)  There was free music, hoopers, kids and dogs running free and having a blast.  Mom was impressed with the fresh, warm kettle korn...that stuff is addictive!  River Rocks was going on at the same time and we watched several heats of a Stand Up Paddleboard race take off from right under our feet (standing on the pier).  Now that is right up Jennifer and Mark's alley!

We've decided on some rearranging to better use the space in the cabin and the 'stream' is about to get cleaned out and resealed so we can start it back up and clear our little pond.  Other than work, those are our current fall projects.  Of course I'm still playing and crafting (loving this stuff!).  I made a burlap bubble wreath for Mom complete with black roses and tiny spiders for her Halloween decor.  :)

There you are.  The updates.  Until next time, enjoy this refreshing fall weather!!!


sailinglunasea said...

Whew. I feel much better now. Thanks - I got my "Rachel Update" fix!

Rachel said...

You are welcome, my lone, solitary reader. :) I'm going to just start sending you emails! ha, ha, ha

Me said...

Wait a minute..... I read too.

I want to see more pics of your crafts... ie. said bubble wreath for halloween

Rachel said...

Will do, Christine! :) Good to see you again!!!