Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Friday, July 27, 2012

40 by 40 (aka Goal #2)

I have just over 8 months until my 40th birthday...what better time to get my butt (and the rest of me) back into some sort of decent shape.  Besides round, that is.  I figure that if I can get rid of 5 lbs per month (that's only 1.25 lbs per week!), then I can drop 40 pounds by my 40th birthday!  I'll be back to my Navy weight   and that was 12 years ago.  Being a nurse, I see everyday what kind of life you can get from hard living and from good living.  We recently had a woman come in who we all thought was probably in her early 60's.  She'll be 80 next month.  That is what you get by taking care of  yourself (or at least that what she told me).  And I've had patients who I thought were easily in their late 50's/early 60's and found out they were the same age as me!  They had not been taking very good care of themselves (by their own accounts and their lab results).  So, today I joined the YMCA.  They have Zumba (which I tried for the first time two weeks ago and LOVED it!), yoga, pilates and a ton of other classes (my preferred way to exercise).  Then of course, they also have machines, weights, track, pool, etc.  But mainly the classes.

By the way, I will not be losing these pounds...when you lose something you can find it again.  I'm dropping these and walking away...quickly.  :D  Blogging about it will make me more accountable, I think.  So as I'm doing Goal #1 of blogging at least once/week, I will also be updating my 40x40 progress.

Thanks, Mom for bringing us fresh blueberries, figs, avocados and tomatoes!  Fresh produce is wonderful and a great addition to my plan.

Two posts, one day.  Jennifer, pick your jaw up off the floor.  :)

(BTW, not my feet in the pic.  My toes are cuter.  Ask Lon.)

1 comment:

sailinglunasea said...

Jaw is back in place. Glad to have you back. Maybe we can hold each other accountable, thus forcing us to keep on blogging.

I went to Zumba for the first time in months 2 days ago. I LOVE it and have missed it! Who says you need to use your arms when you Zumba!?? Not this girl.

Way to go with your goal. I'm sure the benefits will be worth the hard work. Just be patient. :)