Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Monday, August 8, 2011

I survived!

First night on my own (after two weeks away and two weeks less orientation), done. I walked out at 0705 with a smile on my face. Yay!!! Night #2 coming up in less than an hour...Let's hope it's as good or better. Super cool part? I worked with a group of nurses I have never worked with before. They were welcoming, helpful and very friendly. How nice! Our techs were fantastic (but I already knew that having worked with them before). Great start to my new career. I know I'll have 'bad' nights, hard patients and stressful times, but for now I'm quite content being able to say my first night was a good one (busy, but good.)


sailinglunasea said...

Woo hooooooo!

Jenny said...

Yay, Rachel!! Hope all is going well now that you're a couple months in. Good for you!!