Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Monday, August 1, 2011

Just a quick post...

between naps. Ever had pneumonia? Let me just tell you how much it SUCKS! Work has been going fine...some super busy nights, some a little more relaxed, all great learning experiences...but somehow, somewhere I inhaled some nasty little bug that set up shop in my right lung...and I now have pneumonia. As someone put it, I've had to take an 'unwanted vacation.' Maybe I'll tell you more about it later, but fatigue sets in quickly with this one...and I'm tired...again. Anyway, lets just hope the Z-Pak is doing it's job fighting the nasty bacteria and I'll be over this soon. Oh yeah...and this was supposed to be my last week of orientation (on my own next week).
Now I know why my pts with PNA (can you guess what that is?) are so miserable...I can surely empathize. Hope your day is going TONS better!!!


sailinglunasea said...

Ew. Sorry to hear that! Feel better soon.

Me said...

Man... I thought I had it several weeks ago.... but never went to the doctor, so I don't think I had it. Hope you feel better soon!

I guess you're gonna encounter a lot of "bugs" now!

Rachel said...

Thanks, guys! Feeling human again, yay!!! :)