Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Monday, October 10, 2011

Still alive and kicking...

Just busy working and trying to get used to working nights and living days...I do apologize to my 3 (4?) readers for not giving you anything for over TWO MONTHS! I'm a horrible blogger...but you know me. I like happy. I like fun. Been a little stressful lately and I certainly am not one to bring people down (at least not on purpose.) So, we're still in Chatt (3 1/2 years...that's a record), still trying to enjoy this city as much as we can while we're still here (yes, we always have the urge to move on...), working, living, breathing. That's about it, I guess...will definitely let you know when something amazing happens! :)

1 comment:

Me said...

I promise to try harder at blogging too. Just remember, we don't need amazing... just simple updates are ok too.