Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Monday, August 9, 2010

Got the itch again!

No, not that kind of itch!!!! The open-road-itch. We've been doing a little too much 'research' on RV's, travel, RV parks, cities on our radar, (cooler) weather elsewhere, etc. Too much heat and humidity here. Butterflies about starting school after a 4-month break. The 'Bible Belt' has run its course with us...

Don't worry...we're not moving again...yet. Still have one more year in school (and on the lease). Then a year or two of working for experience. But after that...we're mobile! We still adore our cute little town of Chattanooga. And once the weather cools off a bit and we're able to enjoy the out-of-doors again, the 'itch' will settle down. But cabin fever, record high temps with no current end in sight, and stress about working less and studying more...well, they can get a girl ready to start fresh.

Enough of that...time to get ready for work. Oh! I did do something this weekend very unlike me...I finished a school project early! It's due sometime mid to late semester and I finished it yesterday...woo hoo! One less stress.
Happy Monday!


sailinglunasea said...

Good job on finishing a project early - that will make the semester so much easier!

When you get mobile, you better head this way - but not in mid-summer, cold-blooded friend. We are roasting. (But I love it!)

Glad to know all is well, and school's on track, etc. Keep up the blogging!

Me said...

Hang in there sister.... good luck with'll do great!

Rachel said...

Thank you, Ladies! :)

Yes, Jennifer...Savannah is on our radar. :P