Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Sunday, August 16, 2009

8th Grade Reunion

Yes, I said 8th grade...not high school. And what a good time it was! A group of about 25 of us were all in the same class from 5th-8th grade at William J. Christian Elementary School in Birmingham. After that we went to a variety of different high schools. Some of us kept in touch, a lot of us didn't. Thanks to the ever-popular Facebook, we decided to plan a reunion. Saturday, August 15th we got together at Black Market Bar in Birmingham. George, one of the FB-er's, owns it. There were yummy drinks, delish eats, horrible/funny/embarrassing/silly photos from way-back-when, old yearbooks and LOTS of catching up and reminiscing. It was a fantastic night! I care nothing about going to a high school reunion, but this I would do again and again...great time. So good to see everyone and couldn't believe they ALL look just the same as when we left 8AC 22 years ago (well...not the same, better hair and fashion choices last night than 8th grade)! Some people have 5 kids, some have none; some are married, some are looking; all were great to see. A few of us ventured over to George's other bar (Speakeasy) in downtown B'ham. More fun, more drinks, more picture taking. Felt like a regular youngster staying out til 3 am...haven't done that in a LONG time. Gonna sleep good tonight, but so glad I went. The pic at the beginning is our homage to Charlie's Angels...5th-8th grade the three of us (Jennifer, Christy and me) were pretty much inseparable! Here's some more pics from the evening's festivities...


sailinglunasea said...

Tell me about it - 3am was easy enough, it was getting up at 7am that was the killer!
Had a great time. See you soon!

Rachel said...

So jealous to find out Bethany and John went dancing after! Too fun...looking forward to your visit and hoping we can get to Savannah before too long as well. :)