Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Monday, March 30, 2009

Now, that's the life for me!

Sid the Science Kid...have you heard of him? If you have a small child, you may have. If you love PBS (especially in the mornings), you probably have. Sid wants to know everything about everything and he LOVES science! His family and friends sing and dance all the time. And he has the coolest (Kindergarten?) teacher, Teacher Susie. She sings, dances and teaches very cool stuff. There are only four kids in his class and they have an awesome classroom and playground all to themselves. Ahhh...that would have rocked! Not that I didn't enjoy the school, friends and teachers I had during grade school. They were pretty cool, too. But I definitely don't remember all the singing and dancing. Very fun! Here's to finding the simple pleasures in life...don't forget to live, love, laugh...three of my favorite things.
Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Me said...

OMG... you know more about kids stuff than I do... I'd better get crackin'!