Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Great Chattanooga Locations

Last week Lon and I went for a little nature walk...UP A FRIGGIN' MOUNTAIN! We were trying to find new areas we had not yet visited and found one with a great name. Pot Point! What could that be??? Especially since it was down SUCK CREEK ROAD. I love the names of places in the tend to wonder, 'So, what were
they thinking?' So we head out with backpack in tow (packed with apples, PB & Banana sandwiches, bottles of water and some gingersnaps.) Sounds like the perfect hiking picnic, right? We follow the directions and turn off a paved road onto a dirt road and take that for 4 miles (good thing we're in the Jeep). Now this isn't just any dirt road, we're are sandwiched between the TN River and Suck Creek Mountain. So we have cute river homes, mobile homes with mini car lots out front, RV's on empty plots with BBQ's and picnic tables, and miscellaneous rubble (i.e. previous houses). The road goes up, down, to the left and right, barely allows for two vehicles, is rough, a little scary, a little quaint. Finally we arrive at Pot Point House, a very cute two-story house available for rentals and weddings. We park across the street at the appointed 'parking lot' (gravel area), getting barked at by the multiple hound dogs living at the adjoining trailer (up on the hill). They are standing tall on the upside down boat 'parked' in the yard. Yes, we are in the high fashion district now! The nature trail/hike UP THE FRIGGIN' MOUNTAIN started off nice and easy, but got nasty and straight up real quick. The 3.5 mile hike turned into 3 hours of intense hiking up a 1,000 ft altitude mountain and back down along the river. It was more than we bargained for, but great exercise and a new adventure. The area along the river had apparently had recent rain and was VERY muddy and squishy in shoes/socks have the stains to prove it. Overall, it was a fun excursion and we had a great time. There is nothing quite like a PB&B sandwich on a hike...makes it that much better. The temp was in the mid-60's and it was sunny. Great day for a hike.


Me said...

loved hearing about the adventure! I also like your new blog header!!!
did you inhale?

Rachel said...

Always and with pleasure! ha, ha, ha! It was a great adventure, but we really did only pack the lunch mentioned. ;-P