Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fishies and Flowers

Well, not long after we took the pics and video of the stream running beautifully we realized we had lost about 300 gallons of water in the span of two days...where did it go???  Apparently we have a leak.  We turned off the stream, refilled the pond and waited.  Well, the leak is in the stream!  That's very good news since it is not vital to having a beautiful water feature and...FISHIES!  Yep.  We went ahead and bought some little goldfish and two Shubunkins (type of goldfish..they are the big ones).  We lost one fish right off the I bagged it and took it to Walmart for my refund of $0.38.  Oh yes, I did.  :)  Lon laughed as I showed the ladies at Customer Service what I was returning.  But did you know that Walmart gives a 90 day 'warranty' on live fish. Hell, yeah I'm taking it back...of course, it was super cheap.  Oh well.  In place of our poor little 38-cent goldfish we got the two Shubunkins (I wanted something we could really see swimming in the pond).  Few days later, I noticed another victim of the pond...but he just got tossed into some really thick vinca.

About a week ago we noticed all these little black things around the edges...hundreds of tadpoles!  Looks like we'll have some frogs to keep the bugs (namely mosquitos) in check this summer.  Should take the tadpoles about 4 months to become full grown frogs.

Finally, the rose bushes have bloomed.  I have made several 'yard bouquets' and am very proud of them.  I haven't had the opportunity to pick flowers from my own yard since 2004.  Here are a few pics, some roses, some wild (weed) daisy-types, honeysuckle, nandina branches and day lilies.  Yay for an established yard!

Looking forward to sweet Mom-in-Law, Mary, will be here when I get home from work and Lon and I have 5 days off in a row to hang out with her for Mother's Day!  She hasn't seen the cabin yet and we can't wait to see her see it.  We continue to have positive responses from the friends and family that have been able to come check it out.  I'm not bragging, it's just  Still can't believe how much we enjoy being here.

My first yard bouquets.

Tadpole Invasion!

Our fish.

Rose bushes on front wall (under porch).

Hope all my Mommy friends out there have a very Happy Mother's Day!


sailinglunasea said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for the update!

Rachel said...

Thanks, Jennifer! :) Hope all is well with you, too.