Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Sunday, April 3, 2011

30/30 Hoop Challenge

Well, I started another challenge for myself. Beginning Friday, April 1st, I am challenging myself to hoop for at least 30 minutes for 30 days. So far, so good! Friday I worked my first 12-hr shift as a Nurse Tech (shadowing a nurse with multiple patients) so I did 15 minutes before work (to wake up and get some hoop-energy) and 15 minutes after I got home and showered (to relax and hoop the stress off). Yesterday was my Cool Tricks in Coolidge Park class...two hours of learning new tricks in 65 degree, sunny, breezy goodness! Even got my first sunburn of the year! :)

Lon met me down at the park, we had a picnic (a la Subway), walked all over downtown Chattanooga, checked out the Saturday River Market, wandered back to North Shore and popped in on some live music at a local brewery (out back, in the sunshine, of course!). Great day!!!

Today is gorgeous once again. Did some homework, made some super yummy pumpkin-oat-blueberry pancakes for breakfast, played with my hoop and we're heading out for a walk shortly. One more week until NO MORE HOMEWORK!!!!!

AND....just found out Friday I'm getting some sort of 'major award' (hope it's not one of those sexy leg lamps...I have no place for it!) The cool thing is the awards ceremony is on my birthday! (It's from school...Hats Off to Excellence Award Ceremony...sounds impressive, doesn't it?) So, I'll let you know what it is once I find out. Yay!

Here's to a fantastic week!


sailinglunasea said...

Pretty sure it's the Greatest Student Ever award. Or the Greatest Hooping Nursing Student Ever award... Somewhere along those lines. Anyway - head down when you get a chance! We have a guest room again and love visitors. :) Congratulations on almost being done!

Rachel said...

Lon treated me to an early birthday present by letting me pick out one of Lia's beautiful I have two now! When we head to Savannah, I'm bringing both! You can help me work on my yoga and maybe I can teach you a trick or two. :D
How cool would a Hooping Nurse award be??? You're too sweet, Jennifer!
We are in DESPERATE need of a road trip (it's been far too long) and look forward to it...will let you know for sure. Really. We will. I hope you weren't kidding...

sailinglunasea said...

Not kidding at all!
And I would love a hooping lesson. Maybe we could head downtown to the park and have a yoga/hoop picnic. How fun would that be!?

Rachel said...

Super fun...that's how fun.

Me said...

Congrats!!! Hope your bday was great.

What was the Award?

Rachel said...

Summa Cum Laude...means I had a 4.0. Cool, right? :D