It's amazing how quickly priorities can change. One minute making money and getting A's on tests are of utmost importance. The next minute they don't even matter when you find out a loved one is gravely ill. Your mind races, you feel guilty for trying to figure out how to take that exam and still travel to see them 'in time', you start to worry about money for the trip, but realize money is useless in getting back lost time. You realize just how precious life truly is. I am so thankful that Lon and I were able to go to MI and spend Thanksgiving with some of the most amazing people I know, my in-laws. Never in my life have I gotten so many hugs in such a short period of time! :) I am also grateful that we (thanks to my wonderful family) will be able to visit again before Christmas. Time, life and loved ones are so very precious. I hope you are surrounded by those you care for this holiday season. Appreciate every minute you have. The expression, 'Don't sweat the small stuff...it's all small stuff' is a truer statement than I ever thought. Grudges, petty frustrations, people who get on your nerves...wastes of time. Your time and energy are so much more important than that...spend it making good memories for the dark days that always seem to rear their ugly heads when you least expect them.
Hope you have a beautiful, happy holiday season filled with laughter, smiles, hugs and kisses surrounded by your favorite people. That's my plan.