Thought for Today...

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." --Dalai Lama

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Really should be studying...

Totally got distracted checking the blogs I stalk regularly...So, do you wanna smile? Wanna feel good? No, not good...fantastic? Check out Sara Janssen's 6-month Hoopiversary video. She is awesome, loves life and appears to be having an amazing time hooping. Yet one more thing on my to-do list. Besides, I'm in love with her dreads and am seriously looking into getting them myself. Beautiful. Enjoy the video!!! (Let it load fully before trying to view...the music she chose makes you feel happy, too!)

Happy Halloween!!!!

It's sunny, 62 degrees, beautiful blue sky...and I'm studying and Lon is working. Being a grown-up sucks some days. I'd much rather be out enjoying the day with Lon, NOT worrying about Test #3 in a week. And I know he'd rather not be inside with no windows working on a computer. Only 187 days til pinning...then no more school...for a while, at least. Hopefully unscrewing our porch light alleviates any would-be trick-or-treaters and we can enjoy our evening. :)
That's it for now...have to get back to cardiac drugs, dysrhythmias and coronary artery disease. I really am fascinated by this stuff...I just don't want to do it right this minute.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October Update

What am I doing on this sunny, cool October morning, you ask? Well, right now I'm enjoying some tasty hazelnut/french vanilla coffee and updating my blog. This morning I got up and fixed open face egg sandwiches with spinach, tomato and avocado and a side of turkey bacon...YUM-MY! Lon left for a day of editing commercial shoots and I have a day of yoga, studying and whatever-else-comes-up ahead of me. It's 62 and gorgeous right now...our high might reach 80 today. Have I mentioned how much I love, love, LOVE fall??? Now I have. :)

Test 2 is down and boy, was it a doozie! It was all GI (gastrointestinal) and you wouldn't believe how much crap (ha, ha) goes on between the blow hole and the poop shoot! I passed, but with my lowest score 80. I'm making myself be happy with it, too...not everyone passed and it has the notoriety of being one of the more difficult exams. We'll see...still have two cardiac tests and one on endocrine/DM/trach care before the comprehensive final. BUT there is light at the end of this long, dark tunnel...the FINAL final (last test at Chatt State) is now LESS than 6 short months away!!! Woo Hoo!!!! That means the NCLEX should be in about 8 months (we have to wait for them to get our transcripts and contact us with approval to test, THEN we can schedule to take the exam.) Whew! I can not even describe to you how sick of studying I am. I am trying my hardest to keep my eyes on the prize. It is worth it, I know. This is the first step towards our big dream and I'm so excited to be so close to having one thing done and being that much closer.

Yesterday we received our first copy of magazine in the mail. It's a free publication from one of the larger RV supercenters (sales, repair, camping, classes, etc.) located in Tampa, FL. Eyes on the prize, right? We have visions of new territories to explore, good friends to visit, freedom, road trips, bike rides down forest paths, through 'tree tunnels', alongside brooks, streams and lakes, playing cards underneath a blanket of stars, trying new foods and new activities, meeting new people, learning a ton and enjoying every minute and what it has to offer. Ready to join us yet? I know this lifestyle isn't for everyone, but it sure does seem custom made for the two of us. So all of you out prepared. We might just show up to say Hi, but don't worry...we'll bring our own bedroom. :)

Welcome Lil' Jack!

Jackson Crash Cardenas joined the rest of the Cardenas clan on Monday, October 11th @ 1156 am PST. He weighed in at 7lbs 13 oz and is 20.25" long. Mommy and baby are doing great and he is ADORABLE! Not sure what he thinks about the camera in his face, but he'll get used to it...he IS Christine's son! :)
Congratulations to Tony, Christine and big brother, Greyson!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The newest Harley has arrived!

Isn't she sweet? (Even if she is wearing the 'wrong' colors. :P ) Ava Reese Harley arrived yesterday afternoon around 1330 weighing in at 7 lbs 1 oz and is 20.5" long. Both mommy and baby are doing great! Here's a pic of the fam...Charlotte, Ava, Jason and Addison (who I hear was more interested in opening Ava's gifts and eating cupcakes than checking out her new sister....3 year olds, what are you gonna do with 'em?)
Congrats, you guys!
Next in line...Jackson Crash Cardenas...come on down! I know your mommy is VERY ready to meet you. :)